Sniper: Hostile Territory is a simple action game, which consists of ten levels. You play as a sniper, who takes care of the various missions in a Warzone setting. You have to use your wits and have quick and true aim in order to succeed with your task. The main idea behind Sniper: Hostile Territory is to use the mouse and shoot the right people in the head. You have to use your wits and carefully clear the zones without being detected in order to pass a level. The game is a typical member of the stick men games genre.
The core of Sniper: Hostile Territory is simplicity itself. You do not use any other control methods besides your mouse for aiming and shooting, except for the rare moments when you have to press R in order to restart the level. There are detailed instructions at the beginning of every level, telling you how to pass it. Even though aiming is a little hard at some times, it is a good thing, because the heaviness of the crosshair inspires realism in the form of a sniper. During the game you will mostly have to perform stealth kills and not be detected, which inspires interest due to the fact that it requires some critical thinking. Stick men games are most commonly action-based, but this one can pass off easily as a puzzle.
The lack of sound might be a good designer’s decision, because it helps you remain undistracted while conduction your mission. In the graphics department, Sniper: Hostile Territory is weaker than most stick men games. Buildings are nothing more than simple colored boxes and environments are minimalists, carrying only the things you need for the level. Stick men are stick men, but there is some remarkable fluidity in their movement, so the graphics are not a total write off. This game is a perfect solution for passing time when you are bored or just need a break. It treats the brain properly and every single one of the missions is an interesting, although not so challenging experience.